MBBS Programme
NWSM runs a 5-year MBBS programme at par with international standards.
The curriculum deigned for MBBS at NWSM is based on the University, PMDC, and international bodies’ guidelines to produce leaders in the field of medicine. The curriculum is aimed at professionalism and medical ethics by application of knowledge, skills and attitude through an integrated modular approach. The focus of the programme is to produce competent, self-directed, committed and life-long learners who will be able to serve local community, the nation, the region, and the globe.
- Comprehend, correlate and apply theoretical foundations of medical knowledge to their independent clinical practice worldwide.
- Analyze the clinical problem, make clinical decision for diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment and management plan.
- Conduct research and present research abstract in symposia and conferences at National and International level
- Evaluate, analyze and interpret the research findings independently and practice evidence-based medicine efficiently.
- Communicate effectively with all stakeholders.
- Manage to work as a team in providing health services locally, nationally and internationally.
- Perform ethical practices to maintain health and prevent, diagnose and treat human illness based on evidence and evolving precision medicine.
- Adapt culture of Continuous professional development and remain updated to the professional research required for effective healthcare services locally, provincially, nationally, regionally and globally.
- The academic program leading to the M.B.B.S from the Northwest School of Medicine is designed in a manner where equal opportunities are offered for all, irrespective of gender, religion, race, cast and social status to produce leaders in the field of medicine who are knowledgeable to the principles of modern science, and who have mastered the art of critical thinking in clinical decision-making process in order to engage in the practice of medicine as competent professionals. The graduates of this program are expected to exhibit compassion and professional attitudes and conducts. They are expected to be self-directed, committed and life-long learners who adhere to ethical standards of behaviour / profession and serve diverse populations.
In the whole academic year, the student is assessed continuously through the following stages:
It is a formative assessment and held at the end of each module. The result is shared with DME for record and with students for constructive feedback.
It is a summative assessment and held at the culmination of all the specified modules for each block. It is at school level, conducted as per KMU pattern and result is shared with students, their parents and the record is maintained by DME. The aggregated score of all the three blocks is recorded and it contributes to the overall internal assessment of the students.
This exam is at the end of academic session, in all the prescribed syllabus for that particular academic session to evaluate the student before the KMU annual examination. It is a replica of KMU annual examination, in all respects. Those students who do not perform well or failed in Pre-Professional Examination, are not allowed to appear in their respective annual examination.
This is the final examination held by KMU where the successful students are promoted to the next class and failures are retained in the same class.
No student shall be eligible for university examination without having attended cumulative 75% of the total lectures for each subject in that particular integrated module, demonstrations, tutorials and practical or
clinical work, both in-patients and outpatients of the full year of the class, respectively.
A student can be stopped by the NWSM authorities from appearing in the University examination on account of poor academic performance during the respective academic year or failure to pass the pre prof examination conducted by the NWSM.
Continuous internal assessment of students in all subjects shall be done by
the respective departments. A proper record of the internal assessment shall
be maintained and reckoned in the professional examination. The scores
obtained in the internal assessment shall contribute to the university
examination of the candidate in accordance with the rules of the Pakistan
Medical Commission (PMC) and Khyber Medical University (KMU).