To improve NWSM student’s performance, promote institute-learning environment and ensure institution mission success, NWSM medical education department has established mentoring program to meet the long-term goals of the department and students. Mentors of NWSM are highly effective and critically focuses on learners leadership skills, communication skills, personal and professional growth, and help in their career advancement..
Principles of Mentorship Program
The program is founded on the following principles:
- The program is based on mutual respect between mentor and mentees.
- The program is established on trust and confidential relationship between mentor and mentee.
- The outcome of the program is focused on the growth of the students in terms of the progress towards appropriate direction and regular monitoring of their progression.
- Mentoring relationships are organized to accomplish the specific development targets of a mentee; without hindering the organizational requirements and values.
- Mentors model performances for mentees thereby providing them with opportunities to observe and develop visions.
- Mentors are critical friend and encourages reflection.
- The program provides a feedback system to enhance and embed learning.
- The mentoring relationship will end when the mentee is able to operate independently
Objectives of the Program
Mentoring is a special partnership between two people based on commitment to the mentoring process, common goals and expectations, focus, mutual trust and respect. Mentoring also encompass activities that allow for transfer of knowledge and skills. Both the mentor and the mentee give and grow in the mentoring process. The mentee learn valuable knowledge from the mentor’s expertise, past experiences and moreover competencies are strengthened in specific areas. Mentees have the opportunity to establish valuable connections with higher-level faculty and administrators.
Following are the broad general objectives of the mentoring program.
Support students in understanding the organization’s values, vision, mission, and goals.
Demonstrate the skills and knowledge of successful, experienced, and highly competent faculty to pass their expertise on to others who need to acquire specified skills.
Role-play for understanding of what it means to be a professional in the working environment. Professionals embody the values of the profession and are self-initiating and self-regulating.
Organize students plan, assists in their development, growth and manage their careers. Mentoring also helps students become resilient in times of change, more self-reliant in their careers, and more responsible as self-directed learners.
Support the development of leadership competencies. These competencies are often more easily gained through application and guided practice rather than by education and training.
Plan to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Formal education and training are complemented by the knowledge and hands-on experience of a competent practitioner.
List of NWSM Mentors
- Prof Dr Obaidullah
- Dr. Waqar Ali
- Dr Imran Mohibullah khan
- Dr. Sarwat Jahan
- Dr. Rizwan zafar
- Dr. Susan kkk
- Dr. Tariq Masood
- Dr. Irum Javaid
- Dr. Nadia Qazi
- Mam Rubina shah
Experiences of Mentors

Dr. Obaidullah
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Obaidullah is a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon at Northwest General Hospital & Research Centre, Peshawar. His department is concerned with the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. His area of expertise lies in cleft lips, palate and genital surgery.
Be Mentor is a great responsibility but I always enjoy having sessions with students. So far I have been handed two groups, one from IVth year and the latest from second year. Our session starts with formal introduction, where they come from, family background, why they joined medicine etc. I give them a brief account of the road ahead. Emphasize lateral diversion into other fields. Show them that medical graduate always excel in every field. Give them my personal phone number, what’sapp contact, email and a few Facebook pages for their guidance. Also put stress on extra curricular activities especially improving reading speeds. Show them a few free audio book apps so that they can listen and improve their pronunciation. They are in contact with me now on regular basis.

Dr. Waqar Ali
Associate Professor
PhD Scholar, MBBS, MPH, MNCH (Gold Medalist), CHPE
Leveraging my 10+ years of teaching, training & research experience, I anticipate that I will be able to contribute highly to helping students meet their curriculum goals, and provide them with extra learning opportunities other than the taught course. My passion is providing an engaging and productive learning experience to all my students, and my style is participatory.
The best experience is the influx of fresh ideas from your mentee. They inject new energy and the positivity, which they share, is contagious. I am always excited to share my knowledge with students & the satisfaction of knowing that the mentoring session has made a difference to them is pleasing.
Dr. Rizwan Zafar Ansari
Prof & Head Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Teaches Ethics, legal issues and Research
Northwest School of Medicine
I have been very pleased with the way that the mentoring scheme went. Initially I thought it would be a difficult task to manage with my busy schedule but the way students responded and showed willingness to adopt change; intrinsically motivated me and rejuvenate my energies to guide them.
I feel that my mentees had benefited greatly from being able to discuss academic and future career-related issues with me. My mentee learned to express, communicate and trust someone who was not directly involved in there academic and had no detailed knowledge of it.
Giving an opportunity to mentee to identify the cause of their problems and asking them to come up with possible solutions of that issue/s really worked. It motivated my mentees and they learned to get assistance without hesitation from PEERS, Colleagues and family whenever needed.
I feels that mentor role plays an impressive part in carrier building and is very necessary for a medical student and helped them to get more focus on there objectives.